Research Article

Monitoring Of The Mosquitoes In Skopje 2016 And Impact Of Flood In Municipality Gazi Baba Of The Mosquitoes Populations


In Republic of Macedonia malaria has been eradicated in 1973.Since then control of mosquitoes is a regular measure.In 2010, WHO initiated the re-analysis of the mosquitoes in the territory of the Republic of Macedonia.Today, monitoring of the mosquitoes is providing only in Skopje by team from P.H.O Center for public health – Skopje. Collecting adults of mosquitoes for qualitatively and quantitatively prooving we has been used BG Sentinel traps.There were three traps, one trap in peri-urban area and two traps in urban areas.They were placed for six months and changed the nets every two weeks.Samples were returned in Entomological laboratory in P.H.O.-Skopje. Monitoring has been started in april, when temerature is enlarge and populations of mosquitoes are increases.Traping adults of the mosquitoes in august in peri-urban area Gazi Baba, period of flood, are proof for proportionally increase temerature, humidity and mosquitoes. There were interest results from entomological research on territory of Skopje, our idea is to expand the monitoring all over territory of the Republic of Macedonia.When we have information of species composition of mosquitoes in Macedonia, than we will choose the best way for their control and stop appearance and spreading the patogents.


adults mosquitoes monitoring flood BG Sentinel