Call for Papers

Call for Research Papers

International Journal of Technical and Natural Sciences (IBU IJTNS)

ISSN 2671-3500 (print), ISSN 2671-3519 (online)

International Journal of Technical and Natural Sciences (IBU IJTNS) is a Peer-Reviewed, Open Access Academic Journal and it is an official publication of the Faculty of Engineering at the International Balkan University. IJTNS is an international journal which accepts contributions of novel and original research and reviews in the field of technical and natural sciences. IJTNS intends to promote exchange of ideas, experience and knowledge between scientists and engineers whose interest is focused in the areas of natural sciences and engineering, as well as to encourage collaborative interdisciplinary research activities. The journal appears twice a year (June-December).

We cover the following areas:

  • Computer and communication engineering
  • Industrial engineering
  • Architecture
  • Civil engineering
  • Electrical and electronics engineering
  • Protein engineering
  • Chemistry, chemical and environmental engineering
  • Applied mathematics
  • Education in engineering and natural sciences


The editors welcome manuscripts within the scope of the journal, containing new original results that have not been published or submitted elsewhere. The Journal employs double-blind reviewing. 

 Submission Deadline for Next Issue: November 1st

The template can be downloaded here. Please submit your paper using the SUBMIT NOW button.

The submission file is done irectly on the webpage, under the submit now section.


The journal has no processing charges.