Research Article



The concept of green architectural paradigm and ecological design process is one of the architectural paradigms of the 21st century. Green architecture paradigm combines six principles that should work together with the buildings: conserving energy, climate neutral systems, minimizing new resources, respect for the users and creating green architecture that recognizes the importance of the relation between people and nature, respect for the site, where all green principles need to be embodied in a holistic approach to the built environment. Ecological Design in Architecture should be durable, theory based to enable environmentally holistic design approach, which will acknowledge the ecological design as a complex and involve the incorporation of a complex set of green interactions with the environment on a local and global level. General systems framework for ecological design include the concept of developing a theory for ecological design, urban environment as fundamental to the ecosystem concept in ecology, and architectural design as a crucial and essential resolution of the design process. The sustainability conversation, achieves an urgent awareness of the global warming and the effects of climate change, in the extremes of weather and the unexpected flooding in the cities. But architects must think of sustainability in a new way. The green technology paradigm incorporates the concept of livability and the aspect how people can adapt to their environment. One of the leading challenges for architects and urban planners today is how to deal with urban density. Cities have to design, plan, and create buildings for a population that is urbanizing at exceptional speed. Sustainable design should to be firmly grounded to the details of design and integration of ecology and design. The epistemology should rely on the deep interconnections in order to mirror nature. Specific attention in this research will be given to analysis of ecological design process and green architectural paradigm with consideration of their urban context, adequate public access and architectural space. The expected outcome results in this scientific paper is to identify the green design approaches and create application at the international education processes.


green architectural paradigm ecologic concept modern architecture