Research Article



Architectural design of contemporary residential buildings is one of the most interesting part of architectural design. Contemporary residential buildings contribute to the urban character, context and vitality of the cities. They need to be integrated with their architectural design to the urban context, local character, size and development in order to create architectural design responses in strategic level and form the urban identities of the cities of tomorrow. Designing of contemporary residential building focuses on specific analysis of the building form, layout, functionality, landscape design, environmental performance and residential amenity. Architects have a responsibility to the future generations to enrich and design the contemporary residential buildings, to understand the significance of a place and respond to it. Contemporary residential buildings should create a response to their cultural, social, historical, political, economic and physical environments. Specific attention in this research will be given to analysis of contemporary tendations and different design approaches in residential apartment buildings with consideration of their urban context, adequate public access and architectural space. The expected outcome results in this scientific paper is to ide


architectural design typology contemporary residential buildings