Research Article

Assessment of Teaching Effectiveness in Engineering Education


A framework for evaluation of effectiveness in teaching and learning of core knowledge and professional skills in chemical engineering education has been developed by iTeach EU project ( consortium, involving six partner institutions from different countries (UK, France, Germany, Portugal, Slovakia and Macedonia). Initial testing of the framework included two teaching units, chemical reactor engineering and design project, as part of the core courses in undergraduate chemical engineering curriculum. Evaluation of six different metrics, such as strategic nature of the course/discipline, relevance of the proposed formation, pedagogical relevance of the teaching approach, perception of relevance of the pedagogical approach, evaluation of acquisitions and evaluation of transfer, being integral parts of the framework, allows easy assessment and comparison of efficiency in teaching among different institutions, as well as easier recognition of the areas of improvement in specific pedagogical methodologies. Moreover, one of the goals of the project has been to establish a tool that could be used in assessment of delivering the core knowledge and employability competences in the education of different scientific disciplines. After some adaptation and improvements, the framework was subjected to a wider testing including stakeholders groups with different educational and professional experiences. The effects of this testing concerning variety of teaching approaches will be elaborated and discussed.


lifelong learning teaching effectiveness higher education