Aleksandra Porjazoska Kujundziski

  • Professor
  • IBU

Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Porjazoska Kujundziski finished her PhD studies in technical sciences (chemical engineering- polymer engineering) in 2006, at the University “Ss. Cyril & Methodius”, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Skopje, R. North Macedonia. She completed her MSc and BSc studies at the same Faculty and University in 1999 and 1996, respectively. Since 2010, she has been working at the International Balkan University in Skopje, at the Department of Industrial Engineering, delivering the courses Introduction to Material Science; Thermodynamics; Production Processes; Mathematical Modelling; Systems Management; Occupational Safety and Health Engineering; Problem-Solving Strategies; Operations Management, Decision Analysis. She has participated in several scientific research projects at the national and international level with Bulgaria and Turkey. Her research interests are related to enhancing teaching effectiveness in higher education; mathematical modelling of processes; polymer nanomaterials for medical applications; biodegradable polymers and materials (polymer systems), as well as transversal skills in applied artificial intelligence. She authorizes many scientific papers published in journals and/or presented at conferences. She is a member of the Macedonian Society of Chemists and Technologists, and also a participant in the COST Actions “Eco-sustainable food packaging based on polymer nanomaterials” and “Cancer nanomedicine - from the bench to the bedside”. She was involved in the Erasmus project, Lifelong Learning program Improving Teaching Effectiveness in Chemical Engineering Education (iTeach), first as a participant, and then, from 2015-2017 as a national coordinator, and currently she acts as a national coordinator of the Erasmus+ project “Transversal Skills in Applied Artificial intelligence” (TSAAI).