Research Article



Due to the increase of countries that have signed the Kyoto Protocol, there is a worldwide increase of companies that put forward sustainability projects. Countries obeying global principles within the sustainability framework have also tightened the external audits of the companies related to sustainability issues. Realizing that acting solely for profit prevents company growth, organizations are also making efforts to achieve the criteria of environmental sustainability indexes in line with their social responsibilities. In the Stockholm Conference, on June 16, 1972, for the first time, it was alarmed that the world resources have been rapidly depleted, and serious problems could be experienced if soon something will not be changed. Countries that have reached the level of danger were uncertain about further actions. The United Nations report, convened under the chairmanship of Gro Harlem Brundtland, published at the end of 1987, suggested for the first time tangible measures about the steps to cope with the situation. While expressing the activities to be taken in this report titled “Our Common Future” the word sustainability was pronounced and used in the literature for the first time. Sustainability can be defined simply as developing without harming the resources of future generations while consuming today's resources. Following this definition, a demand was imposed to all countries around the world for a joint solution for this issue, which represents a common problem of humanity.


Sustainability Project Kyoto Protocol Natural resources Reducing wastes harmful for the environment