Research Article

Remodeling Suburban Settlements of Skopje


In the last decades the citizens of Skopje are witnesses of serious urban degradations in almost any part of the capital. The process of high-speed densification of a built area creates series of side effects like: lack of natural daylight, bigger pollution, absence of proper views, decreasing of green area, diminishing the natural aeration etc. Therefore the unsatisfied citizens are starting to move outside of those extremely dense urban districts looking for cheaper building plots in the existing suburban settlements and looking for better life conditions. The city authorities are not responding to those tendencies in a proper way, because there is no any initiative to create urban plans covering bigger areas than the current DUPs (Detailed Urban Plans) in order to allow a complete and proper development of existing suburban areas. The goal of this paper is to create series and profound analyzes, and to propose new urban project for remodeling suburban settlements in existing location detected as a potential city hot spot. This project will define hospitable dwelling destinations for the possible future users for a long term and it could establish new guidelines for the future urban politics in the Macedonian capital.


suburban area dwelling zone urban development