Research Article



Moral perceptions are a reflection of time and social circumstances, and they are ethical principles of humanity and justice for human beings. As in other professions, where there is the liability for knowingly, or unknowingly making a mistake in the course of work, the same liability exists for physicians for damage directly caused by the physician's negligence, omissions, misdiagnosis, and incorrect treatment. However, the medical profession also carries certain risks, so the doctor cannot be held responsible for every failure in his work, published in the Official Gazette, he cannot be held responsible for the failure of his work. The material-legal responsibility of the doctor is a consequence of the damage caused to the patient by the doctor in: • Non-compliance with the established scientific and professional methodological and technical principles (vitium artis) • Violation of the principles of humanity, specific to the medical profession and title • Non-compliance with medical protocols • Negligence during the diagnosis and implementation of treatment. Because the main goal of the medical profession is to alleviate and later eliminate the pain and discomfort that the patient feels, to improve and maintain the patient's health, and to extend the patient's life, it is necessary for the doctor and other health professionals to do their job. Perform it as conscientiously as possible, respecting the rules of the medical profession. However, due to certain circumstances, which are often associated with insufficient practical health expertise and skill of the doctor, increased number of patients, and insufficient commitment, due to the general approach of the doctor, may have side effects on the patient’s health, which entails a certain responsibility by the doctor, namely: disciplinary responsibility, civil liability, and misdemeanor liability - criminal (criminal) liability. It is considered that the most common reasons for the unethical actions of doctors are the desire to earn money, recklessness, sexual interest, false certificates, and false testimony).
