Research Article

Advanced Sustainable Interior Design Concept as Methodological Approach in the Process of Architectural Design


Implementation of sustainable interior design in contemporary buildings is one of the most important parts of architectural design. Scientific research has shown that there is a meaning of incorporation of sustainable advanced interior design, and that the sociocultural, environmental, biophilic effects that this type of interior design has, can be manifested by physiological and emotional aspects of people in the interior design. In the analysis of the sustainable advanced interior design process, it is necessary to identify and define the phases and methods in interior design. The methods in the design process are focused on: divergence (exploration of possibilities and limitations by critical thinking, through qualitative and quantitative research methods for creating new activities towards better sustainable interior design solutions, transformation (redefining specifications for sustainable design solutions for traditional and contemporary design), convergence (analysis of prototypes of possible scenarios for better design solutions leading to gradual or significantly improved design solutions), sustainability (managing the research process, and redefining sustainable design solution prototypes over time), articulation (visual relationships between parts and the whole unit). Sustainable interior design includes several phases, such as information phase, analysis of specific requirements, specification, problem solving, presentation, idea development, implementation and evaluation of the project. Specific attention in this research has been paid to analysis of sustainable advanced interior design, as a concept of combining natural environment with interior design organization by minimal interior design, flexible interior design, ecological interior design and green interior design, The concept and the principles of sustainable interior design, sustainable green wall system and its benefits in aesthetics and usability of green space, natural look in sustainable advanced interior design, environmental values, biophilia, that create natural environment, increase productivity for the workers and costumers of interior design, define cultural and social values as integral part of the cultural environment, social interaction and artistic presentation. The expected outcome in this scientific paper is to identify contemporary design approaches in sustainable interior architectural design with specific emphasis on green technologies that contribute to the aesthetics and architectural concept of buildings and create application in international educational processes.


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Sustainable interior design methods and phases of interior design